Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Skiing

We took Dallin and Ella to Alta for "Ski Free after 3" a couple times this week. Ryan took them on his own on Saturday, and I went with them this week. They are both great skiiers for having gone only a handful of times. This was only Ella's second time at a resort - she snowmobile skiid last year.
Snowplowing down a hill is really a pretty good workout! I was tired after a couple hours. Taking kids reminds me of skiing when I was young - when you fall, everything is going in the wrong direction, and the tow rope is a joke!
I dropped my poles on the lift and Ella said, "Well, there go your sticks."


Jana said...

I love little Ella and her comments.

kira said...

LOVE it. I lost my sticks a long time ago.