Monday, February 11, 2008


Ryan and Dallin snowmobiling behind our house (until our neighbor got mad).

Dallin sledding down one of the hills made from shoveling our driveway - we are seriously considering a snow blower.

Ella helping out.

I don't ever remember a winter like this! It hit 40 degrees yesterday and I felt like it was Spring! It is beautiful up here - but man there is a lot of snow. I'm a little worried that the snow might never melt. I've always liked winter, but something about having a two and four year old and being pregnant puts a damper on winter activities. It takes us easily half an hour to get ready to go outside! At least Ryan is loving it. We watch the weather and he is looking forward to the next storm and I'm just happy if the temperature will be above freezing.


Shannon Martin said...

I can't believe I beat Jami to the first comment!! I really can't believe this, I almost don't know what to write because I am still in shock. You do have a beautiful view from your house, and I am glad all that extra snow you shoveled worked out great for a hill!

kira said...

HEY!!! Jami, where are you?!?! You are so out of the loop! I am so happy I found out about this too :) And yes, it is almost midnight and I am up checking emails. I love your blog Callie!! I didn't even know you were expecting! Congrats! The snow looks beautiful and fab that it also provides so much entertainment! LOVE LOVE LOVE that you have a blog Callie!

Ashley said...

Yay Cal you have a blog! Now I can see pics of the kids even though I am half a world away!I can't believe how much snow is at your house!

coryshay said...

Yay!!!!! I'm sooo excited you have a blog!! And by the way, I loved your comment on my last post because I feel the same way... I'm just dreading getting dressed in the morning and standing in front of all those people just looking at me in my same 3 outfits that I fit into. Oh, and by the way, I tried sending you those pictures from that sunday dinner when I had our camera and your email wouldn't let me... so I can try again if you want! Happy blogging!

jlohran said...

So the reason everyone beat me was I was somehow left off the "hey everyone I have a blog" email-- it was only through Shannons shcoked email that I became inforned of this monumental occasion! But yay! The bad news is the "Bott Babes" will have to be shelved (the name I was going to give your blog when I started it!

Unknown said...

Unbelievable! You do live at the North Pole. Love the pics. Love you guys. Mom

Jana said...
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Jana said...

I never thought about making sledding hills out of our drifts of snow up here. I was just wondering why get a snowblower when your neighbors do it for you?

kelly said...

Callie & Ryan- I too am excited that you guys have a blog. You have an amzaing view out the back of your house. Hope to see more posts in the future.

Callie said...

Ok. You all are right. It is great to hear from all of you! Already worth the blogging effort. And, yes, we did luck out and get the neighbors who snowblow our driveway (embarassingly too often!) but even with all that help, our driveway seems to be covered in snow daily!

Breanne said...

Callie! I am so excited that you finally broke down and started a blog! I will no longer have to post pictures of your adorable kids so that everyone can see how cute they are.(even though I probably will anyway!)

RiverGirl said...

Hey Callie,
Like the blog.
Your kids are so cute!

Unknown said...

Callie, we need some close ups of all of you. Love, you, Fran